Version 6.1

This is the latest iteration of my board game, and, the most promising.

In this game, one wins by earning victory points.

I kept the mechanic of using coins. With coins, you can buy heath points, victory points, and rations.

Rations are my way of keeping a player from sitting on their favorite space and collect cards. Ih other words, it’s meant to force the game into being interesting.

One gains ability points from cards, which allows the player to deal more damage when fighting monsters or other players.

When attacking, one rolls a die according to your ability score, to discern how much damage is dealt. The higher your score, the bigger the die you roll.

I may change the map, as well as the deck of cards, and monster powers.

After the first playtest, I received a positive response. I will continue to refine this game into something great.

Version 6.2

At this point, I wrote the first draft of the rules.

I changed and added some cards, as well as make the board bigger.