Version 1


Version 1 began. The gameplay involved drawing a card then playing a card on an opponent of your choosing. A concept that would be translated to my Truce Nab card game. A heavy emphasis I wanted was the ability to have the choice of either cooperating with or attacking other players for personal gain. No gain could be received by playing one’s own cards unless they were attack cards. Only by another player playing a cooperative card on you would you gain hearts, coins, or more cards.

Version 2

card game 1v1.jpg

For version 2 I greatly simplified the card variety, removed shields, and made it a straight up board game.

Creatures would be drawn by players, and would put them into play. These creatures would be fought by the players in order to get shards, all three of which would be required over the cooperating players to beat the game.

A new mechanic I created was the heart and teardrop system. A mechanic I used to incentivize not killing other players. If a player kills another player, that player receives a teardrop from the other player, reducing their total health until they are killed themselves.

Version 3


In this version, I changed the board to be more suitable and accessable.

Version 3.2


in this version, (3.2) I took many steps backwards and was hoping it would take a different direction than the fantasy themed game. In this game, players would travel along the six spaces buying different cards types to add to their deck then playing the cards they draw from their deck. However, this game took very little strategy and was far too simplistic and bland to become anything special. I ended up giving up on this game version.

Version 4


In this version (4), I changed the board to be a random setup of nine cards. Added one more area, the desert, and each area had a specific color and theme. I also added a shop for players to spend their money.  In this version, three shard tokens were distributed to players who drew quest cards (bottom left). This version became less fun since players who were killed have little to no power to get to the level of other player’s inventory.

Version 5