The Mosquito: a short comic
This is a recreation of a comic I made years ago and lost. A humorous story of a stick figure…
This is a recreation of a comic I made years ago and lost. A humorous story of a stick figure…
A while back, I decided to do a project that I had done ages ago. Have you ever heard of…
With this comic, I was practicing my skills as an artist. Thus, There are some sloppy drawings and continuity errors….
The cards were drawn using Krita, and are based on the Waite Smith tarot version. I uploaded them to Drive…
Composed using Inkscape, by slicing circles and combining cut shapes.
This is a game I made both to familiarize myself with GML, and to make a joke. It involves mashing…
For this game, my intention was to create a game that would simulate falling into depression through gameplay and visuals….
The results of my Digipen 3D Animation class at New Market Skills Center of Summer 2012. Summer 2014